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Showing posts from February, 2018

About me

So let me tell you a bit about myself I have lived in France for 27 years i have a wonderful wife and two wonderful young kids. I’ve worked in the uk and here in France i also travel around for work and holidays with the family. Enjoying all the simple things and of course hating the complicated things Living in the EU has some fantastic advantages starting with Just Travel you can go around Europe without any borders checks without any paperwork is just an easy process I'll just hopping on a plane and arriving at your destination with just a passport and a quick booking for a cheap flight why does it have to be so complicated so the blog is about life in the EU good things and bad.

Buying BIO Products

BIO products are gaining in the market place what do you think about these products? good thing or bad do you trust if they are 100% bio or not? bio shops farm shops and now the supermarket is cutting into the market the food that is better for everyone is getting onto people plat more and more but at a price. more expensive to buy quality is higher no pesticides and having better taste and flavor would you go bio? now i know that farming for the masses is complicated and hard work and all these chemicals to treat everything, just to make the work just that bit easier. after all good farming practices are better for everyone! and yes i agree to the farmer needs to have the right wages at the end of his working day. but when you see the farmer using cheep labor and making a lot of money on bad quality food then  they are selling it for good quality yes there is a problem!  do you really look at where your food is coming from and how it is produced?


HOLIDAY How easy is this going all around Europe no visa no extra paperwork no extra phone bill data no extra charge too! and for most no extra exchange costs as most is in euros! the bank card works in every shop! it's just less hassle for your friendly tourists! going on holiday and finding your bargains and knowing how much it costs without getting the calculator out! which my wife is well sorted on. not sure if that is good or bad. Comparing the cost of thing is just so easy and some times just bring all the things back home to enjoy. well until you run out! 

Quality of life where is yours?

Quality of life So for me the Quality for life is the most important i mean you only have one life and just working for most of it is no life for sure... so yeah we need to work but it should not be the only part of you life family time is the big number 1, going out and visiting places is up there too. different parts of Europe have very big differences in ways of living and when you go for a stay sometimes its a shock to the system but if your one the types of people who goes with what ever comes you will enjoy things in a different way. and its like that is most parts of the world anyways so honestly if you have problems with how things are going ... yep it's you that is the problem...