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Showing posts from March, 2018


Working with other country's is hard work! One thing i find the hardest in the working area is working practices it really does come down to when you can't get the information you need ask the English guy. which really does have it's limits sometimes! and yes I get the work done quickly one hour job unlike my colleagues 4 days no result I just find it strange every time it come down to this. maybe it's me! maybe it's them! One thing you need to know! In Europe people in each country have there ways of working and you really need to know the people and culture before you do business with them. You have the French way the Italian way the Spanish way German way and the English way etc etc each have a good part and a bad part and can be the most confusing if you have not worked outside you own country. and oh it can give you headaches being patent is the worse.