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Showing posts from September, 2019

Took the TGV and it was a very smooth ride see the fly over impressive! This was it being built

The perfect Europe how?

I wonder what would be the perfect Europe and how things would run. i really need to think about this one, any ideas? so we have free trade zone already banking and financing  is a bit crap i must say..... health care, well almost there but i find some take advantages of other country's systems and the European heath card is pretty good. but it needs to be a more everyone put in pot. as we all get ill and old. jobs well some have it good some don't but one thing i do know some country really do need to focus on what they are good at.


looking at the UK today i feel sorry for them honestly, the way we live in the EU is so much better. so in the UK you can't buy a house you can afford to buy food get in your car pay the bills yeah but i can say its not so bad here! it's funny when going to the UK on trip and talking to people they ask where you are from and you say France they say oh that's nice i wish i lived there. yeap that sums it up. so yes if you want to work yourself to death, have no family life, yes best not to have kids in the UK you can't let them live. the other thing is looking at the UK economy is what is made in the UK ... hmmm new trading partners sure... like new countries are poping up all the time! so the EU trades with the world but not the UK importing goods from other counties outside the eu is not complicated for a start but importing the right goods is! and buying from china or else where is a risk! how people believe rubbish Passengers travelling to EU countries will

spending and leaving

so the UK wants to leave the European union for me it's a bit sad personally. but if the people who want to leave thinks its about "oh we pay too much"and "it's undemocratic" so funny. that's why the Boris is in power! really... just people don't know what they have or what they are doing. most people in the UK are old and zombies thinking this air around me is my space! think i'm above these other people. and in a way i would like them to have all of the problems a brexit will give. the UK isn't the most productive place in the world other than one of the car plant they want to shut down! work is all consultants and cheep fast food and pay day loans. the rail system is about the same as a 3rd world country well really... most of the country looks poor and run down. so the spending now this bugs me like crazy, the difference between just the 3 main economies is very visual   Chart 1 shows public spending by main function. Total Manage


Four freedoms .  The free movement of goods, services, capital and persons within the  EU  are the four freedoms  and are now extended under the "internal market”. it has  28 member  states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. So pretty much me or you as a European person can go work and move all my stuff cat and dog included to anywhere in these country's without any problems. but most forget it is about work... if you don't have a job or other source of income you can be sent to your original country. if you are retired as long as you have an income your fine to live anywhere you find your bit of perfect happy life. These 4 rights are pretty much set in stone and you can't change any part of it which is pretty simple if

Politics and goods

Politics and goods For me you can't have one without the other it's simple, other country's like the UK just want the goods part but for me that can not work... products are complicate things and standards are very important and if just one person is to say my product is good who is to say it isn't. i have seen myself how products and standards have changed some say it's complicates things and costs more... and that is where you can get left behind in progress! i guess all the people who say no all these EU rules i'm sorry to say but i agree with these rules most are for the protection of the environment and of consumers. you know it's pretty simple facts it's cheaper to make a unsafe product that a safe one...