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Showing posts from April, 2020

Going back to work!

Going back to work. So I'm going to go back to work omg first time in over 5 weeks! the dust must be amazing! So this is because on the 11 May hopefully more of the work force will start again. lots to do, work to start again and orders to prepare! even though some orders have been put on hold a couple canceled we will see how things will go.  Of course make sure the social distancing works... going to be a bit hard in some places... maybe some will have to stay at home. best not to risk. so we will see i have been told i will be wearing mask have hand sanitizers but since i work with chemicals i doubt anything will survive on my hands...  and white overcoat... so well protected! Good luck! all i can say


Life today.  hopefully on the 11th of May things will slowly start to go back to normal I doubt we'll be able to go to the beach but at least go back to work and and slowly getting back to normal as I have lots of things to do around the house, which I couldn't do because the shops.. mostly Home improvements  are shut. only thing that is a pain when you can do anything. And of course the kids can go back to school hopefully which will be fantastic, because my homeschooling isn't the best in the world. Somehow I feel that the kids have learnt how to manipulate me, so that will be the best thing in the world just have that back. Going back to work should not be too much of a problem as we had orders but still need to be finished and our clients are shut to so no normally would just start off where we left off which will be fantastic. So just looking forward to normal life again I'm going to the beach !

shops still have food

One thing I have noticed in France is the shops are not having too much of a food shortage problem, some products or brands may I say are not on the shelves but as the product wise like for pasta for example some brands may not be there but the product itself is on the shelf.  Where the products that are in high demand: flour and eggs. That is mostly because people are bored at home and they are cooking making cakes and pastries etc.. So one thing that we have been doing at home is making cakes mostly chocolate.

Spain and France Slowing and seeing the light

Spain and France Slowing and seeing the light. As Spain will slowly start to go back to work for some Industries with key workers and lock down still active a bit harder in other parts with people having mixed feelings. In France a new date of 11th May some schools will open again, probably in the low risk areas. Also Mask for everyone i know in France they have been making mask as much as they can but is it enough?

happy Easter

Attestation France

the French government has an mobile app sheet for going out they may track you going about but they do that already.... they just aren't telling you Also to travel into France you also need a piece of paper. for your mobile paperless!  save the planet if not visit this page They also have it in English ! in doxx file no pdf.... International travel. Voyage international depuis l’étranger vers la France métropolitaine /  International travel from abroad to mainland France French    and  English

Italy to come out of lockdown

Well looks like Italy will test the water on coming out of the lock down on the 4th May. They are brave and going into the unknown on how this will go. but i'm sure as the Italians have been calm though out this pandemic I'm sure they will find the best way!  I just hope they get the support from the EU they need to make this happen the best way possible. Good Luck Italy we are With you. MAY THE 4 BE WITH YOU ITALIAN FOOD DAY! 

EU didn't do there job!

One thing that the EU could of done is organize the pandemic better. it has lots of weight behind it as one group and not just each country. I think companies would act differently if  the EU did the ordering so big fail there EU 

me going out

So my routine  To go out I take paper towel I take alcohol 90 degrees  I take mask  I take hand sanitizer.  but you can use alcohol if you don't have hand sanitizer both do damage to your hands so..... So my first thing is to clean the shopping cart with alcohol using the paper towel anywhere that I would touch.only using one side of the towel for the cleaning.  And then discarded that in the bin. I would only pick the items I need and not back if I change my mind you have to think about other people. I would normally buy items that are pre-packed and when getting home I would leave the products for 72 hours without touching it. Frozen stuff will be put in a separate fridge. Which we have. After finishing shopping I would put the shopping Straight in the bags and then I would pay by card As soon as I get to the car I would use the hand sanitizer and and put the shopping in the car put the trolley back get in the car and clean hands again. When home i would put the

Virus! keeping safe and using Google LIVE PLACES

So after going out for a couple of times to the shops noticing a lot of people!  I had an idea of actually using Google for knowing how many people are roughly at the shops as queuing can be quite long!  I'm quite flexible on When to shop so now I just checked the live peak time for my local shop. And for me it works well arrived at the shop no queue and went straight in fantastic have a try it may help!

just stay inside

Sometimes you wonder what people don't understand about getting his virus is highly contagious for me it's a bio-hazard so you would wear the same sort of things equipment that you would where for a bio-hazard material. That saying if you don't have those sort of things you can keep your distance go out at the strict minimum and if that is once a week that great for me. so far it's killing about 10% of people before there time! so just STAY INSIDE.


Watching the the government's around the world dealing with this new virus sometimes make you wonder how how they are in government!  even Hollywood can get it right roughly.  I mean I've already been through 3 films of a virus epidemic catastrophic for the world it's pretty much the same and yeah government's can't put simple things into place!  I have been at home now for 3-weeks just going out for food and keeping my distance from everybody washing my hands change the changing my clothes every time I go out. It's been hard not going out anywhere homeschooling for the kids is hard to to be a teacher and parent doesn't really mix but you do what you can. some things do change you sleep later and later you wake up later and later I think that's a big mistake I've not keeping up that rhythm of a normal days life not going to work trying to do some things at home ma but knowing you can't go out makes you a bit crazy.