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Showing posts from May, 2020

holidaying 2020

This year holiday Will be more complicated as most people would like to travel all over the EU this Summer But each of us have to remember that some areas are more contaminated with the virus then others, you may be even just passing through some areas and you may even be from an area so holiday will be complicated this year. The best solution is to find somewhere local maybe 100 kilometres around from where you live. You can be surprised by the amount of places around your area that you probably don't know about! keeping in mind just to keep your distance from other people or families. If you're feeling unwell don’t go! Don’t take any risks. Even if you say to yourself oh it’s nothing! Hopefully by this summer things should be better but always keep in mind the small risk to your family  Travel.  Be prepared take a mask, hand sanitizer, soap some water in the car if you can and gloves. Remember if you stop anywhere on the way Clean clean clean and stay awa

Going back to work after virus with precautions!

So after first week of working with the virus around! so precautions at work, signs to tell everyone what to do. so arriving at work we have a table with hand sanitizer, masks 2 types, visors and overcoats optional.. So badge in keeping distance between people wash hands with hand sanitizer, Then pick up mask for me i tried the surgical mask first day hard to breath normally and found if i breath in longer it was better. next day i used the beak mask! much better more room for air to flow even though i look stupid! so normal day keep away from everyone and wash hands if i go to an area where other people touch! very important! WC is an area problem! take paper towel with me to use taps and flush bleach spray is in the wc to use as well. wash hand well after of course! after WC i use hand sanitizer then back to work. coffee! OK so i take my own coffee to work in thermos it's safer! food get from home too and eat cold food don't use anything to heat or anything someon