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holidaying 2020

This year holiday
Will be more complicated as most people would like to travel all over the EU this Summer
But each of us have to remember that some areas are more contaminated with the virus then others, you may be even just passing through some areas and you may even be from an area so holiday will be complicated this year.
The best solution is to find somewhere local maybe 100 kilometres around from where you live.
You can be surprised by the amount of places around your area that you probably don't know about! keeping in mind just to keep your distance from other people or families. If you're feeling unwell don’t go! Don’t take any risks. Even if you say to yourself oh it’s nothing! Hopefully by this summer things should be better but always keep in mind the small risk to your family

Be prepared take a mask, hand sanitizer, soap some water in the car if you can and gloves. Remember if you stop anywhere on the way Clean clean clean and stay away from People! Put a mask on if you go out of your car. Wash hands and rewash with hand sanitizer before getting back in your car.. If you can wear something you can remove before getting back in the car. If you have someone coughing or sneezing around you can remove the clothing and put in the back of the car.

 When you arrive normally the Host of the property that you will be staying. they would have disaffected the room or apartment but to be sure do yourself again I know no it's a bit of a pain to do  but it's best to be safe! Remember they will do as much as they can but sometimes is it better to do it yourself again.
Once that is done your family can enjoy your holiday but remember to clean the places where you come in contact everyday with a bit of bleach keep clean and tidy

 Going around.
 Going about will be a small problem even just simple things like going to the swimming pool. It is not recommended to go to bathe at public swimming pools, if it's a private swimming pool it would be safer but still a risk. Because a large portion of people do not have the same cleaning hygiene as everybody else it could cause a problem.
 If you do choose to swim, bring your own towels of course make sure they don't get in contact with other people.
 Chlorine should kill any virus if the pool is well maintained. But you don’t just get in contact with the pool …. Slides, Ladder, shower area lockers etc etc... So if you take the risk and keep clean! Remember pools are a dirty place sometimes.
Visiting other tourist places just look and don’t touch… wash hands after leaving the place you’ve visited. Beach areas stay away from other people… simple.

 remember you don't know who's touched your food is very simple! From going out to a restaurant Or going to the supermarket you just don't know who touched it. When buying food, leave it for 24 hours before using it. it puts the risk down and and and for me safer.

 Good luck on your holidaying!


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