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Showing posts from January, 2021

Château de Nérac (Château-musée Henri IV)

  The Château de Nérac is a castle in the Lot-et-Garonne département in southwest France. An edifice of the French Renaissance style, it was finished during the reign of Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre, daughter of Marguerite d'Angoulème who was also Marguerite de Navarre by her marriage to Henry II of Navarre Here's the video of teamTHOMAS visit at the Chateau 

Bergerac France

  Bergerac is a town in southwest France. It’s known for its old town’s half-timbered buildings and the castles that dot the surrounding countryside. In the town, the Maison des Vins showcases the region’s wine. It’s housed in the Cloître des Récollets, a 17th-century cloister.  Nearby, the Musée de Tabac documents the history of tobacco. Traditional barges cruise the Dordogne River, which runs through the city. Watch the video of teamTHOMAS visit at Bergerac France

New Curfew Nationwide 6pm France

T he exception of 25 departments where the schedule was already advanced to 6 p.m. The measure was expected and feared, it was formalized. The curfew, until then established from 8 p.m. with exceptionally 25 departments where it was brought forward by two hours due to the high incidence rate, will now be in force from 6 p.m. throughout France, announced Jean Castex this Thursday evening during the weekly government press conference devoted to the health crisis. This measure will apply from Saturday January 16, "for at least 15 days," said Jean Castex. A measure intended to curb the coronavirus epidemic, which has stagnated at a high level since the end of the year celebrations, while 23,852 new positive cases have for example been recorded in 24 hours, said Public Health France on Wednesday evening.

What is it like at French Supermarket when it's Pandemic

 Now a days wearing a mask is part of our daily OOTD (outfit of the day ) when ever we go to drop or pick our children at school , go to work or just simply go to supermarket. Pandemic change a lot of our normal routine.  Our family went to one of the French supermarket for our weekly food shopping and here's what is like in this time of pandemic.  watch the video :  teamTHOMAS went to a French Supermarket


 At the moment, only the vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech is available in the European Union. Fortunately, other competitors will soon arrive. Moderna What type of vaccine? It is, like Pfizer / BioNTech, a messenger RNA vaccine but it is distinguished by a much better resistance to storage. While the first vaccine must be stored at -70 ° C, that of Moderna must be kept at -20 ° C and can especially last a month in a refrigerator. The laboratory had drawn its first results just after Pfizer / BioNtech with an efficiency rate close to 95% with two injections. In details, it turns out to be slightly less convincing than the vaccine of the previous competitor (for certain populations) even if the comparisons must be taken with a grain of salt. AstraZeneca What type of vaccine? AstraZeneca's vaccine, developed with the University of Oxford, does not use messenger RNA technology, which makes it very easy to produce and store (especially in hot countries) and drastically lowers it

UK officially leaves the European Union

 The British officially left the European Union on Thursday evening, after four and a half years of a brexit saga full of twists and turns. After half a century of European integration, Big Ben's gongs rang at 11 p.m. (local and GMT) in London, or midnight in Brussels. Brexit has become a reality for the country, which officially left the EU on January 31 but benefited from a transitional period to cushion the shock. "The destiny of this great country now resides firmly in our hands," said Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the great architect of this exit, after the express ratification on Wednesday by the British Parliament of the free trade agreement signed. the same day with the European Union. In Dover (south-east), whose port is at the forefront of trade with the EU, residents are divided between hope for a new era of prosperity and fear of disturbances, such as the recent monster truck queues in the zoned. The trade deal reached in extremis avoids too abrupt a break and

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will speak on television on Monday evening to announce new restrictions in England amid the surge in coronavirus cases

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will speak on television on Monday evening to announce new restrictions in England amid the surge in coronavirus cases, which has prompted calls for strict containment, according to Downing Street. "The Prime Minister is clear on the fact that new measures must now be taken. He will announce them this evening", indicated his spokesperson. His intervention is scheduled for 8 p.m. local and GMT (9 p.m. in France). 50,000 cases per day Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced earlier on Monday that Scotland would once again enter containment "similar to that of March" 2020, to control the surge in contamination attributed to the variant of the new coronavirus. With more than 75,000 dead, the United Kingdom is one of the countries in Europe most bereaved by Covid-19 and the trend has worsened in recent weeks. The number of daily positive cases has exceeded the threshold of 50,000 for several days, 54,990 people have been aff

Number of Coronavirus cases in France January 24 , 2021

 The indices allowing to gauge the dynamics of the virus in France and the health situation of the country remain at a worrying level, according to figures published this Monday evening by the Public Health agency France. It is still too early to fully appreciate the effect of the holidays on the country's health situation. But the indices gauging the dynamics of the Covid-19 remain at a worrying level. This Monday evening, the Public Health France agency delivered the new figures for the spread of the disease over the past 24 hours. Currently, there are a total of 24,995 people hospitalized in connection with their contamination by the virus, including 1,258 additional admissions during the last day. Among them, 2,666 people are in the intensive care unit this Monday evening, or 245 more in 24 hours. We deplored 378 deaths between Sunday and Monday. French News:  Convid19

Where to find English ( British) products in France

  Christmas pudding is part of English dessert for every christmas dinner, so this year we are lucky to be able to get it from one of the shop in Nantes, The Le Comptoir irlandais, we saw it online and decided to have a visit.  They sell fresh mince pie at their counter so we buy a couple to let our kids have a taste . They have loads of varieties from biscuits, alcohol, toys, mugs and winter clothes.  Le Comptoir Irlandais is a French distribution company for Irish, Scottish, English, Celtic and Breton products created in 1987, in Brest in Finistère (Brittany) by the Brest-based company Fourniership, specialized in the supply of ships. here is the video of what are the products we bought that day: